155+ Funny Monday Quotes to Brighten & Tickle Your Blues (2024)

· In: Lifestyle

Mondays can be nerve-cracking -Sometimes you’re in love with it, and other times you want the weekend to last forever. Anyways here are some funny Monday quotes to cheer and motivate you.

155+ Funny Monday Quotes to Brighten & Tickle Your Blues (1)

If there’s one word to describe Mondays, it’s “Bittersweet”because some days you’ll want to jump out of bed and chase your goals, clear your to-do list, and stay productive.

Sometimes, you want to snooze your alarm clock andcussout because it’s just another Monday, and you wish it’s still the weekend.

You’re not alone (lol).Because this morning, I dreaded leaving my bed. But eventually had to because Mondays are also a good day for a fresh start.

So if you’re feeling like, “Yeah, let’s get things done” this Monday, or perhaps you feel, “Ugh, can’t the weekend remain.” It’s absolutely okay, and these Hillarous Monday quotes are perfect for warming you up.

Whether you’re in the mood to crush your week or need some Funny Monday quotes to motivate, cheer and lighten your mood. I got you.

Because after reading through these best funny Monday quotes, you’ll feel light-hearted, motivated, and ready to take your day.

155+ Funny Monday Quotes to Brighten & Tickle Your Blues (2)

155+ Best Funny Monday Quotes for a Happier Monday

Whether you love or hate Mondays, these hilarious Monday quotes are just right to motivate, brighten and leave a smile on your face.

Funny Monday Morning Quotes

  1. On Monday mornings, I need a motivational quote on my coffee mug just to convince myself to drink it.
  2. Oh, dear, rise and shine! It’s Monday morning – oops, Just kidding, rise and survive!
  3. I need a Monday morning teleportation device to skip straight to Friday’s happy hour.
  4. Instead of going to work, I’m on my way to declare Monday as a national nap day. Who’s with me?
  5. Monday mornings are nature’s way of reminding us that the weekend is overrated and it’s a blink of an eye.
  6. Dear Monday mornings, I think we need some time apart. It’s not me; it’s definitely you; let’s try again another time.
  7. I actually have a love-hate relationship with Monday mornings. I love to hate them!
  8. Monday mornings are like gym memberships. We start off with good intentions but end up quitting before 12 p.m.
  9. Every time I see my boss’s missed call on a Monday, I’m reminded why Fridays are important.
  10. Monday Mornings when I try to ignore my alarm – “Hi-yah”, your bills are calling.
  11. Monday mornings prove that a genius who understood our struggle invented coffee.
  12. Dear Monday morning, please show up fashionably late next week. Sincerely, yours tiredly.
  13. Coffee is the magical potion that makes Monday mornings somewhat bearable.
  14. Monday mornings should be declared illegal, or at least have a snooze button.
  15. Monday mornings are a struggle! They are like bad hair days that last for 24 hours.
  16. I’m dressing up to work on a Monday morning, knowing I’ll question my life choices before 10 a.m. at work.
  17. Oh, I’m not saying Monday mornings are a test of my character, but they’re definitely a test of my will to live.
  18. Monday mornings remind me why adulting is hard and staying a kid forever is harder.
  19. Every time I realize the worst is happening! It’s because Monday morning is happening.
  20. I’m not a morning person, especially on Mondays. More like a ‘gimme coffee or face my wrath’ kinda person.
  21. Monday mornings are like Mondays, dressed up in their Sunday best, pretending to be nice but looses their cool at noon.
  22. Dear Monday, please let me sleep in just five more minutes. Sincerely, everyone ever.
  23. On Monday mornings, my brain is still in weekend mode, figuring out where I left my motivation.
  24. Monday mornings are the reason we appreciate Fridays so much. They make the weekend taste even sweeter.
  25. Monday mornings are nature’s way of reminding us that the weekend is over, and it’s time to pay our bills.

Funny Motivational Monday Quotes

  1. Remember, no matter how tough Mondays are, you’re tougher!
  2. Rise and shine, it’s Monslay—time to unleash your awesomeness upon the world!
  3. Coffee in hand, enthusiasm in heart—let’s kick Monday’s butt together!”
  4. “Monday is the perfect day to create your to-do list and promptly clear it out.
  5. You’ve got 99 problems, but Monday won’t be one of them!
  6. Treat your Mondays like superheroes in disguise—they give you the power to conquer the week!
  7. I don’t let Monday dictate my mood— I show it who’s boss!
  8. No more Monday blues—today, you paint the town red with your infectious laughter!”
  9. Get in line because Mondays are the VIP pass to a week full of adventures and achievements.
  10. Monday is the beginning of a beautiful love affair but with your goals and dreams.
  11. It’s Monday, Wake up, Dream Big, Show up, and Slay your goals.
  12. Monday is another opportunity to rock your goals afresh.
  13. Monday is a reminder that you can handle whatever life throws at you.
  14. Monday is your partner in Crime on your journey to success – It’s not a rival, so rock it.
  15. Coffee, check. Positive attitude, check. Monday, let’s do this!
  16. Mondays are like a canvas waiting for you to paint them with funny moments. Create a masterpiece today.
  17. “You master Monday. You start winning the day. You start winning the week. Then the month. Then the year.”Eric Thomas
  18. Don’t let Monday be a stumbling block; let it be a stepping stone toward a week full of laughter and cheer!
  19. Mondays are the start of the workweek, which offers new beginnings 52 times a year! – David Dweck
  20. “Monday is like a rising sun. It’s time to shine brightly.” Byron Pulsifer.
  21. “Monday, you may have a reputation for being tough, but I’m here to show you I’m badass.
  22. Oops! It’s Monday – A reminder that the weekend will come again. But until then, let’s make the most of it and find humor in every moment.
  23. Hey Monday, I’m tougher.
  24. Create your motivation and strike your goals – Don’t wait for Monday’s motivations.
  25. No Monday can bring you down when you wear confidence like a superhero cape!
155+ Funny Monday Quotes to Brighten & Tickle Your Blues (3)

Sarcastic Funny Monday Quotes

  1. You know you’ve had a great weekend when waking up on Monday feels like a slap in the face.
  2. If Monday were a fashion trend, it would be mismatched socks and a shirt inside-out.
  3. Dear Monday, please go step on a Lego.
  4. Honestly, I don’t always hate Mondays, but when I do, it’s with a burning passion.
  5. Mondays are like a poorly-written comedy script, except you’re the punchline.
  6. I always see Mondays like those annoying pop-up ads that won’t go away.
  7. “May cause extreme irritability and an urgent need for caffeine.” – Monday Disclaimer everyone needs.
  8. Mondays will make you contemplate the meaning of life while staring into a half-empty coffee cup at 10 a.m.
  9. Mondays are why we should all embrace our inner sloth and hibernate like bears until the weekend.
  10. Mondays are a reminder that I want to skip adulting.
  11. Mondays are the reason we should all have “No Adulting” days every week.
  12. Monday should come with a warning label: “Approach with caution.”
  13. Mondays are like a wrong date you can’t escape, and No amount of small talk or awkward silence, or looking away will make it better.
  14. Monday mornings are a cruel reminder that your alarm clock is the boss of you.
  15. I feel Every Monday is a déjà vu – they just keep happening repeatedly.
  16. If Monday were a book, it would be titled “101 Ways to Ruin Your day within the first few hours”.
  17. Monday is the ultimate buzzkill – Because who needs sunshine and rainbow when you have Monday to bring you back to reality?
  18. Monday makes TGIF, ‘TGIF’ feel like a distant memory from a forgotten era. Who needs Fridays anyway?”
  19. You can blame it on Monday! – Because it’s the only day of the week you can use as an excuse for all your problems.
  20. “Dear Monday, could you please get a makeover? You’re just not working for us.”

Short Funny Monday Quotes

  1. Did you say Monday motivation? More like Monday’s “I’d rather be in bed” action.
  2. Monday is when reality gives you a friendly slap in the face with a smile.
  3. Every Monday, I feel like I’m having a recurring nightmare I can’t escape.
  4. Monday is when even the calendar says, “Ugh, not again!”
  5. Mondays make you realize that “five more minutes” doesn’t actually exist in the work world.
  6. Mondays are like bad hair days but for your mental health.
  7. The perfect reminder that coffee can’t fix everything is Monday.
  8. “If Monday had a color, it would be a dull shade of gray, just like my enthusiasm for the day.”
  9. I’m a detective trying to solve where my weekend went every Monday morning.
  10. Monday is always a Test of my patience and life choices.
  11. I believe in the power of positive thinking on Mondays…positive that I need another cup of coffee.
  12. So help me Monday!
  13. If Monday had a face, I would definitely punch it. Just saying.
  14. Okay, “buy buy” Monday, I’m opting for Tuesday.
  15. Monday’s official slogan should be ‘Wake me up when it’s Friday.’
  16. Hi Monday. Can you please skip to Friday? Thanks, your biggest fan.
  17. Imagine a button on my alarm clock that says, “Nope, it’s Monday – not today!”
  18. Ouch, I’m sorry, but I can’t do Monday today. Let’s try again tomorrow.

Funny “If Monday was” Quotes

  1. If Monday were a pet, it would be a grumpy cat that constantly hisses at you.
  2. If Monday were a social gathering, it would be a never-ending awkward family reunion.
  3. If Monday had a flavor, it would taste like burnt toast and unfulfilled dreams.
  4. If Monday had a tagline, it would be “Embrace the chaos, or it will embrace you!”
  5. If Monday had a personality, it would be a combination of a grumpy cat and a wet blanket.
  6. If Monday were a game, it would be called ‘The Quest for More Coffee.’
  7. I actually don’t hate Mondays. I just strongly dislike them with a burning passion.
  8. “If Mondays were animals, they’d definitely be mosquitoes.
  9. “If Monday were a movie, it would be a horror film called ‘The Case of the Vanishing Weekend.'”
  10. “If Monday were a song, it would be the ‘Monday Blues Symphony’ in the key of ‘Ugh.'”

Happy Monday Funny Quotes

  1. Coffee in my hand, sparkles in my eye, and a don’t-mess-with-me attitude – That’s my Monday motto.
  2. There are many opportunities every single day, and Monday is the perfect day to seize them all.Isabella Koldras
  3. Yay! Happy Monday! May your coffee be strong, your enthusiasm stronger, and your smile brighter.
  4. I don’t have a case with Mondays; I have a whole suitcase!
  5. “Monday is a test. Smile through it, and you’ll pass with flying colors!”
  6. Monday means a new week, fresh opportunities, and another week to try again.
  7. “Remember, Monday is just another opportunity to be your awesome self!”
  8. Hey Boo, smile. It’s Monday! The world looks better through a happy lens.”
  9. “Embrace Mondays like a long-lost friend. Well, maybe not that enthusiastically, but you get the idea!
  10. Monday is also for new beginnings.
  11. “Monday is your day to sparkle. Go and brighten the world.
  12. Happy To Do-List Mondays – It’s goal-slaying time.
  13. I hope you brought your sunglasses because Monday is just another opportunity for me to shine.
  14. We set the tone for the week on Mondays. So, let’s make it a happy and hilarious one!
  15. Let’s make Mondays great again! With laughter, positivity, coffee, and maybe a few donuts.
  16. Monday is the perfect day to start your ‘Happy Goals slaying routine!”
  17. Hey girl, wake up and smell the optimism—it’s Monday, and the possibilities are limitless!
  18. Mondays are refreshing, full of hope – It’s like sunrise, makes you hopeful but a little bit annoying.”
  19. Monday is like a reset button for the week. Press it and make it a fabulous one.
  20. Monday is the perfect day to leap faith into a pile of happiness.
  21. Monday’s are for go-getters! Grab your coffee and chase your goals.
  22. Mondays allow you to fashionably slay your goals in heels.
  23. Smile more it’s Monday! The world looks better through a happy lens.”
  24. Monday, you may have the reputation, but I have the power to turn you into a “Monyay!”.
  25. Hello Monday, you’re not the boss of me! I’m the boss of my happiness!”.
  26. It’s Monday, Smile, at least for a few seconds, until reality kicks in.
  27. Rise and shine; it’s a beautiful Monday! Let your awesomeness brighten the day.
  28. Mondays are like attending a circus. Embrace the chaos and enjoy the show.
  29. When life gives you Mondays, make funny Monday quotes and laugh it off.
  30. Monday is just another day to get things done. Just don’t forget to have a little fun too.

Funny Monday Quotes for Work

  1. “Monday is a reminder that my job has a serious crush on me – it just can’t wait to see me again.
  2. On Mondays, I use my imagination… to picture myself on a beach sipping margaritas instead of sitting at my desk.”
  3. Need Monday motivation? Try to survive the day without falling asleep at my desk.
  4. I’m not saying I hate Mondays, but they’re not my favorite… or even in my top 100.
  5. The only good thing about Mondays is that they make Tuesdays feel like Fridays.
  6. Monday mornings are like alarm clocks with attitude problems.
  7. Monday is when reality starts kicking you in the face at 7 a.m. and says, ‘TimeTime to get back to work!
  8. Monday is like that annoying co-worker who always steals your lunch from the office fridge.
  9. The only exercise I’m good at doing on Mondays is running late.”
  10. I love Monday mornings… said no one ever!”
  11. I always give 100% at work: 10% on Mondays, 20% on Tuesdays, 30% on Wednesdays… you get the idea.
  12. Mondays are the perfect time to contemplate life’s big questions, like ‘Why is the snooze button so far away?
  13. Always Remember, Mondays are just practice for Tuesdays, which are practice for Wednesdays… and so on. Hang in there!
  14. If Mondays had a Facebook page, we’d all click ‘unfriend.’
  15. “Monday is the official day of ‘Ctrl + Alt + Delete’ for your brain.
  16. Every time I think about Mondays, I’m reminded of those long, never-ending meetings that should have been an email.

Funny Monday Captions To Brighten Your Day

  1. Hey, there, Monday, please go on a vacation. I’m not ready for your shenanigans.
  2. I do have a love-hate relationship with Mondays. Mostly hate, but there’s a hint of sweet love – Afterall we’re inseparable.
  3. Monday is the villain in my life story. Can we rewrite it, please?
  4. When life gives you Mondays, make sure they’re caffeinated.
  5. Ah, you need a Monday-sized coffee mug to survive this day.
  6. Rise and shine; it’s Monday! Just kidding, hit the snooze button.”
  7. Oh, I’m so sorry, but I can’t come to work today. I’m down with “Mondayitis!”.
  8. If Monday had a face, I would punch it. But instead, I’ll settle for a good laugh!”
  9. Roses are red, and Mondays are blue. But don’t worry, Tuesday’s almost here, and it’ll be better too.
  10. “Mondays are the reason I drink… coffee. Lots and lots of coffee!
  11. Honestly, I don’t always love Mondays in any way, but when I do, it’s because they’re over.
  12. If Mondays were shoes, they’d be Crocs. No one wants to wear them (No one is Me), but sometimes you have no choice.
  13. When you don’t mind Mondays, you have issues with the 6 a.m. alarm.
155+ Funny Monday Quotes to Brighten & Tickle Your Blues (4)

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Which Funny Monday Quote Matches Your Monday Mood?

Mondays come with highs and lows. Some days you jump out of bed feeling you can take on the world.

While other days you’re like, “, Ugh,” filled with Monday blues. But the truth is, Mondays signify a fresh start and sometimes a tool for a “reality” check.

So go out there and do what you love while slaying Monday gracefully.

Tell me in the comments. What’s your favorite funny Monday quote?

Found this helpful? Save this goodness and share these Funny Monday quotes to brighten someone else’s day.

155+ Funny Monday Quotes to Brighten & Tickle Your Blues (2024)


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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.