210+ Emotional Short Deep Love Quotes For Her and Him (2024)

One of the best ways to express your deep feelings and affection is through “Deep Love Quotes”. Most partners love it when their lover clearly expresses their true feelings, and this makes them love their partners even more. That is why appropriate revelation is very much necessary to take any relationship from normal to AMAZING.

We are also aware that, there are certain conditions that will occur which will give you difficulty in a bid to find the right words to express the deepest feeling and affection of your heart to your spouse or lover. We might have what to say in our minds, but lack clear words to put it to them.

Worry no more! these Deep love quotes to make you think got your back.

To fall in love with someone is natural, after all, love itself is a natural phenomenon. So, you don’t need to be shy in telling the person you fell in love with that you love him or her wholly.

Hence, we have a rundown of over 200+ deep love quotes that will help you to perfectly express your feelings anytime you lack the appropriate words to express your deepest affection. Below are some of the very best deep feeling quotes you can ever see;

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200+ Short Deep Love Quotes.

“The goal is to laugh forever with someone you take seriously”.

“Sometimes, I doubt if Love is worth fighting for, then I remember your face and I’m ready for war”.

“I don’t care what you are, to the world. What I am sure of is that you are my world”.

“The last thing I think of before I doze off at night is you. The first thing I think of immediately I wake up, is also you”.

“You are not only beautiful and special, you also change my entire personality whenever I am with you, and that makes me love you even more”.

“You are my all minus nothing”.

“My love for you is the first and the last of everything for me”.

“You are the reason I come to know what true love is all about”.

“I have a completely perfect heart because someone special is in it. That person is you”.

“Anything I set my eyes on seems to be you. You are my world. I cherish you more than you know”.

“I loved your past, I love your present, and I will love your future and forever”.

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“The only thing that can cast away fear is ‘Love’. Fear that we thought we can’t do without, yet cannot live inside our minds”.

“Nothing truly defines true love than the desire to see your lover by your side when you awake at dawn, despite any misunderstanding you had at the time”.

“There is no doubt about my love you. The only uncertainty should rather be, the love you have for yourself can be compared to that which I have for you”.

“Who is the reason for my happiness? You. Who is the center of my world? You. Who owns my entire heart? Also, you. Can’t do without you”.

“What matters most in this life, is to know how to render love, and how to gain it”.

“I can describe my deepest love for you with just six words ‘It’s impossible to live without you’”.

“Even before meeting you and after meeting ”.

“Before I sleep I smile because I am sure of seeing you in my dreams. I also smile when I wake up because I know you are real”.

“No matter where I seem to direct my look, you do always appear in my thoughts. You mean the whole world to me”.

“Our love has been fated. It has already been designed and decorated”.

“You are my only source of belief and courage. You are the only dream I have longed for”.

“Love doesn’t count the number of days, but the extent of the love that is shared every day”.

“Love never asked me any question, yet gives me endless support”.

“My love for can be likened to what the legendary Jennifer Egan said and I quote, “I think literary theory satisfied a deep love I have for big, encompassing narratives about the world and how it works which are usually, in the end, more like creative visions unto themselves than illuminating explanations”.

“I write not for the sake of it, but I write to tell you how deeply in love I am with you, and the fact that I can’t do without you”.

“Whatever thing that is extraordinary on the planet is captured in the heart and not the eyes”.

“It is only one thing that can attack the head, the heart, and the sense at once. ‘Love’. Till date, it remains the strongest passionate thing that can be experienced”.

“Trust is built on love, while love is built on trust. You can only see the extreme beauty of love if you confide in your partner without fear of what he or she might think”.

“I have nothing flashy to give you. But I give what I have with deep love”.

“We look entirely different to what we have been since we fell in love with each other”.

“Just as the water needs the sun to shine, the same way I need you to shine”.

“All that is needed to make me feel complete is your love”.

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“There is only one place I will enjoy been stranded for eternity, ‘your heart’. You are the paradise of my life”.

“Countless times I have loved someone. All of the time is with you”.

“Each day I am favored by the goodness in our country and the kindness of the American people. We share a deep love for this place and a gratitude for the contributions we each make”.

“My first love was you, my present love is you, my next love will be you, and my last love will also be you. It shall remain you and you alone. You are the reason I live”.

“If you can successfully love yourself, everything else will take care of itself. Try loving yourself and watch other things fall in place”.

“Love is reciprocal. You gain love by giving it out. You can also keep it by sharing it. Love is generous. Love is kind”.

“Many years later, two love birds still remain deeply in love with each other, just as you and I have been for who cares to know how long”.

Deep Love Quotes For Her From the Heart.

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“My love for you is not a means to gain riches, neither is yours. if it is, it is definitely not called love”.

“The wonderful thing about love is that you only need to plant it once, nurture it, and watch it blossom beyond imaginations”.

“Do not forget that the best partners are those that their love supersedes every other thing including their desires”.

“I have always dreamed of being your friend and lover. To have you is all I have ever and will ever want”.

“I am completely a fulfilled man thanks to the love and affection you feel for me”.

Related:365+ Unique Instagram Captions for Girls in 2021.

“I am short of words to express how much I love you and how much you mean to me. What I am surely proud of saying, is that I am overfilled with joy each moment you are by my side. I truly love you”.

“The affection I have towards you is further than the mind, deeper than the heart and settled in my soul”.

“You are everything I could ever wish for, yet nothing I could ever have”.

“The best moment of my life is the moment I gave you my heart. That is when I realized I have done the best thing I have and will ever do in my lifetime”.

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“I may not be perfect for you, but I will imperfectly try to be perfect for you always”.

“My heart belongs to you and you alone”.

“I have a confession, ‘I succeeded in finding you because I had to conspire with the whole planet to look for you’.

“I loved you because you were perfect. I also love you more because you are imperfect”.

“Whenever I said I love you, I never said it because I love saying it, but it is for you to still have it mind that my life is nothing without you”.

“Loving you gives me the priceless hope of waking up every morning”.

“I love you more with each passing day. I love you now more than yesterday and tomorrow more than today”.

“Your feelings for me are such that can be written as stories and acted in movies”.

“Every moment I am with you, I feel like our love is greater than that of Romeo and Juliet”.

“Believe me when I say that you are my favorite notification”.

“The only painful part is that I will likely spend less time with you now that I love you than when I never found you. Though, unusual, but certainly, the extent of your love for someone and their significant influence on you is usually not the same as the amount of time you have known them”.

“My love for you is not as a result of who you are, but as a result of who I am when you are with me”.

“I had loved countless times, but never knew if they were true, till I met you”.

“During the winter period, others embrace the warmth of their jackets. In the darkness, they clamor for a torchlight. But not me. Why would I? Of course, I have you as a fire that keeps me warm, and as a sun and moon that refuses to let me experience darkness both in the day and at night”.

“The moment I realized that all I want is your happiness, is the moment I found out how much I love you, even if I don’t share your happiness”.

“The moment I surrendered my heart to you, there was this assurance in me that I never had, that I have done the right thing”.

Deep Love Quotes Image.

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Deep Soul Love Quotes.

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“My happiest moment is the moment I am with you”.

“I still wonder how I got to love you this much. When it happened. Where it started. But the fact is that I love you without an iota of complication or arrogance”.

“I don’t think there is any other way rather than loving you”.

“Having you in my life is the best option for me. To hell with oxygen. Can’t imagine having any life without you”.

“I fall under the rules of mature love. Hence, I love you because I am loved. I need you because I love you, not the other way round”.

“I love you starts with ‘I’ and concludes with ‘You’. I love you”.

“My love for you is not a burden or a job that I must fulfill. My love for you is an honor, and for that, I can’t appreciate you less”.

“To begin with, I love you. In conclusion, I love you. In fact I love you from every angle”.

“Each time I say to you, “I love you more”, I wasn’t talking about loving you more than you love me. Loving you more is greater than any ill feelings, fight, distance, challenges, or tough times we have and will ever encounter. That’s certainly what I mean when I say to you, “I love you”.

“I love you for what you have made me become since I met you, as much as I love you for what you are”.

“There was a conspiracy between me and the planet to locate you. The more reason I love you”.

“The moment I find it difficult to sleep is the moment I realized that I love you because my reality has finally proven to be better than my dreams”.

“You cannot find disappointment in deep love. You can only find frustration in a shallow love”.

“When you love someone is when you begin to get feeling that it might be lost to you when he’s gone”.

“As darkness cannot withstand light, so as hate cannot withstand love”.

“I am always short of words that I can use to compare the extent of my love for you”.

“I love you wholeheartedly all of the days we have, yesterday, today, tomorrow, and always. In fact, I love you till eternity”.

“If I am been told to explain the love I have for you, I will explain it as being trapped in our previous memories, emphasized clearly in our dreams and future plans, although, the most amazing part of it all, is in this moment where everything I have ever cherished is right here with me”.

“My love for you is likened to a relationship that is caught on fire. It starts with a flame, beautiful, often sultry, resolute, yet lights, and unsteady. Nevertheless, as love ages, our hearts become mature and our love becomes as coals, burning deep but hardly extinguished”.

“I can never judge you because if I do, there won’t be any time left to love you. I will always love you for who you are”.

“I find it hard to believe that you don’t use magic. The way it happened, with the speed of lightening, then consumes my heart and planted into it a new soul. Now I can’t get it off me”.

“The day ‘home’ suddenly became a person rather than a place, was the day I found out how deeply in love I am with you”.

“I will love you always. When the smooth softness of youth is replaced by the delicate softness of age, I will still want to touch your skin. When your face is full of the lines of every smile you have ever smiled, of every surprise I have seen flash through your eyes when every tear you have ever cried has left its mark upon your face, I will treasure you all the more, because I was there to see it all. I will share your life with you, and I will love you until the last breath leaves your body or mine”.

“Sincere love can never lie, it lasts forever till infinity, and still remains the same. It is fair and perfect. It doesn’t have aggressive reactions. Though it can be old, yet it is tender in the heart. That is true love. That is what I have for you”.

“Love is a phenomenon. It continuously grows, in a place where the doors and windows are constantly accessible to the genius and magic that life provides”.

“Your presence is all I desire. It truly gives me the assurance that I am forever in your heart and that your love for me remains stronger as it has been”.

“Never knew you were in me all along, yet I was searching for you from the very moment I heard my first love story”.

“I always wanted you to be my friend. Most importantly, I have always dreamt of being your lover”.

“The more we love each other the more intimate we become”.

“There is no perfect man or woman. What is really perfect is when two lovers are perfect for each other”.

“If I am ever to be forced to make a choice between you and an oxygen to live, I would rather, with the last breath left in me, declare how impossible it is not to love you”.

“My love for life and humanity is deep. That is why I try to comprehend everything that everybody does, even if it’s not the right thing to do”.

Deep Love Quotes For Him in English.

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“The definition of love is when saying sorry doesn’t matter”.

“Just a touch of your love, I instantly became a great poet. That is the power of love”.

“I likened my life without your love to a tree that cannot yield seed or fruit”.

“Life without love is vanity. Hence, your love makes my life worthwhile”.

“I can’t proudly say I have a tangible reason for loving you. It cannot be defined, and its above human comprehension, no kind of rule is attached”.

“The very moment I started thinking about you, was the moment I fell in love with you, and you have forever remained in my mind”.

“When I first saw the way you smiled, I realized that it was what I was lacking in my life for a long time”.

“You whispered to me. I heard it, not in my ears, but deep inside my heart. You kissed me. I felt it, not in my lips, but deep in my soul”.

“There have been so many experiences of love in my life, but it seems my heart rejected all of it. Yet you came into my life and fitted in seamlessly”.

“Nothing gives me more joy than seeing you by my side always, without distractions, till eternity”.

“The moment I learned how to love was the moment I learned how to adore”.

“I never believed I could have a reason to love. Yet you gave me countless reasons to love you”.

“Loving you is a mystery, yet it is real”.

“I can never imagine living this life a day without you. If you have to die today, then I chose to die yesterday”.

“I would prefer staying with you for a lifetime, then having the all ages to myself alone”.

“You smiled the very first time you knew that I have fallen in love with you”.

“Your smiles should never be taken for granted. It is capable of dissolving even the hardest of heart, and touch the toughest of souls”.

“It gives me so much happiness when you hold me. It gives me so much peace when I am with you”.

“My heart mysteriously disappeared and never came back the very first day I looked at you”.

“To love you is nothing compared to when you love me. But the greatest of them is when I love you and you love me equally”.

“When I got lost in you, it was a kind of lost that is exactly the same as been found”

“I prefer to love you and lose than not to have loved you at all”.

“Every moment, day, week, month, year and forever, you constantly remain in my heart”.

“We are definitely in a weird world that never lacks controversy and dilemma, yet the only certainty and the only thing that remains constant is my feelings for you. I love you baby”.

“My love for you will never cease. I will love you till the end of time, and if there exists a life after that, I will love you at that time too”.

“Most people see me as crazy because I love you. Nevertheless, the absence of purpose for my love makes the feeling more perfect”.

“If rain drops were kisses, I will give you showers. If hugs were streams, I will give you oceans. And if love was a person, I will give you me”.

“For me, not to be with you is like committing suicide. That is why I can boldly say I love you”.

“Each time I tell you that I love you, you have to look beyond the words and search through my heart, and you will truly see that the feeling is more than the word”.

“They said love is blind. Still, I am ready to proudly go blind, because you are in my life”.

“If you are not mad when you love someone, then you are not in love”.

“There is nothing that is more important in this life than to love someone and to be loved in return”.

“You are strong when you are deeply loved. You are bold when you deeply love”.

“Nothing is more capable of curing a broken relationship, than true love”.

“Once you experience love, you automatically become a poet”.

“Absence of love is like the absence of sun in a garden that its flowers are withered. Learn to love”.

“When you don’t give up on love, then you are practicing the true art of love”.

“I have taken a decision to always love. I can’t continue to hate anymore, it’s a heavy burden to bear”.

Long Deep Love Quotes For Her.

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“Sweetheart, I don’t love you because of your countenance, your gorgeousness, or even your flashy ride, but I love you because you created a music that is for my ears alone”.

“When I face severe challenges, I always see you as the light at the end of my tunnel”.

“I have over, amazingly, passionately, certainly, awesomely, affectionately, wonderfully, perfectly, interestingly, and wholeheartedly fallen in love with you”.

“I appreciate you for being the joy that took over my troubles”.

“When I wake up from sleep every dawn and remember how wonderful life is, I can’t do less than appreciating the special people in my life. I am grateful to you for everything”.

“I so much appreciate you for embarking on a tour through life with me. You are the only person I ever desired to be with”.

“I forever love you the way you are. I won’t have you change for anything”.

“Love is the only phenomena that can never satisfy us just as we can’t also satisfy others with it”.

“From the rising of the sun to the going down of the same, my mind is always occupied with my thoughts for you. I can’t just imagine taking my mind off you”.

“Each passing day, my heart, mind, and soul constantly search for you. And anytime it sees you, it is elated”.

“I would prefer to be in no other location but your heart. I think it is more than safe over there”.

“I always find it difficult to make a choice in anything, yet when it comes to you, I always chose you over everything”.

“My love for you is constant. It never ceases. It repeatedly renews”.

“Everything about you, starting from your beautiful eyes, lovely smiles, and your wonderful countenance each time you speak to me, gives me a great reason to smile, it gives me the hope to wake up the next day, knowing that I have someone that can make my day great. In fact, all these factors make me miss you each time you are not at my side”.

“If I don’t love you, of what use am I living. You can only compare my love for you with that of a drowning man for air. I don’t think I can survive without having more of you”.

“Each time I said to myself, if I can ever love you better, I always tend to find out that as the days go by, I love you the best”.

“As much as anybody on this planet, you deserve love and affection. I can give you more of that”.

“You cannot calm love. The more you restrain it, the more it ruins you. The more you try to enslave it, the more it subjugates you. The more you try to comprehend it, the more flummoxed we become. It’s a mystery”.

“Try to love and you will live longer than you could ever imagine”.

“There is no superior mentor than love. It is better than duty”.

“Whatever their opinion or thoughts, just do not forget this, I love you”.

“My love for you is beyond description. I don’t think there is any other love in this world that is comparable to that I have for you, hence, there is no greater expression of love from anyone than this”.

“Like an endless tale, depthless valley, the edgeless distance of a journey, my love for you knows no bounds, it is certainly limitless and forever”.

“If I am to choose one person to have out of the many in the entire universe, I will confidently choose you. I won’t fail to send you the most captivating love captions ever, for you are all I have”.

“It’s so amazing that each day, there is always an entirely different reason to love you more than the previous day”.

“I have been searching for a best friend, one that I can trust, cherish, and proudly love and cherish for the rest of my life. I have found you”.

“Anyone who really thinks I am insane should ask you. You made me go crazy about everything, especially about you”.

“I am ready to exhaust my entire existence on you. In my whole life, I will cherish you, admire you, honor you, care for you, hold you in high esteem, and most of all, love you”.

“Just like a flower cannot survive without sunshine, man cannot survive without love”.

Caring Love Quotes for Her.

“I might be short of words to describe the extent of my love for you, yet, my entire universe is filled with smiles any moment you are by my side. My love for you knows no bound”.

“Because of your love, I am a fulfilled man today. Your love for me made me achieve my dreams”.

“I have you, therefore, I have no other need for paradise and dreams”.

“I offer you my heart because, with you, I am sure of its security. If it remains with me, I might lose it out of carelessness”.

“Like the stars, you shine brightly in my heart; like the sun, you give light to my soul”.

“No one would have believed that I would capture the heart of the most “wonderful person in the entire universe”.

“I gave you my heart in the first place, and I have no intention of taking it back. It is yours forever”.

“I am always ready to make you happy always, because, making you happy also makes me happy”.

“The moment I saw you smile and how you laughed, I was convinced that is what I had longed for in my life”.

“I am so certain of the fact that, by giving you my heart, I did the right thing, even if that remains the only right thing I will ever do”.

“My love for you has exceeded greater height. Yet, it refreshes, like I just started”.

“The very second I fell in love with you, I know I had, but I couldn’t meet up because I got stuck”.

“I wish you were here with me, or I was there with you. In any case, I wish we were together anywhere and everywhere”.

“Even my dreams of the perfect woman cannot be compared to you”.

“Every time I see you, I proudly beat my chest for been the luckiest man in the whole universe to have captured the most wonderful person in the world”.

“Would there ever be an extra for me? The only one I have has been filled with my feelings for you, to the brim”.

“In the whole planet, there can never be a heart for me like yours. In the whole planet, there can never be a love for you like mine”.

“I am strong because we are together. I am full of hope because you are with me. And together, we can pull down obstacles”.

“A real pleasurable woman is the one that can only be aroused and satisfied by a man that has a deep soul”.

“Sometimes, deep disappointment accompanies deep love”.

“Love doesn’t need an article to declare it. Love already understands itself”.

“I lack words that I can perfectly use to compare the level of awesomeness that you brought me. I don’t think there is any”.

“I love you every step of the way”.

“I was feeling empty before you came into my life and made me complete”.

“If only you could understand that anything I say or do to you to show care and concern, is simply an expression of my love for you. My feelings for you are so deep that I couldn’t help but use other words to express my love”.

“The beauty of life is mostly based on the wealth of emotion”.

“There is one thing that can relieve our burden and sadness. It is called ‘love’.

“I know I can’t offer you riches. But the only thing I have, I offer with deep love”.

“You will know you have truly loved when the person you are in love with feels free”.

“I understand the reason love is constantly associated with eternity. Just one minute of it extends to lifetimes”.

“The enchanted dawn of every heart can only be as a result of love”.

“Your life attracted me to you, and in turn, I get attracted to you, for that reason, I love it. Most importantly, I cherish you, because you have become my life”.

“In the midst of the too many things that go through my mind each day, you remain rooted in the most sensitive part of it”.

“I have never thought that I will come to love somebody the extent I love you”.

“They said that life is like a market place where you come, buy and go back home. I came to buy, I met you and I remained with you because I suddenly lacked the reason to go back”.

“When you love you no longer see with the eyes, but with the mind”.

The way you are been talked about by someone that loves you is normally so unique. It gives you a feeling of contentment and security”.

“Just as the wind, love is a phenomenon that cannot be seen but can be felt”.

“Love someone for what they are not for what you see. Looks can be deceptive”.

“Various researches have been carried out, yet no genius from any planet, not even the poets have been able to measure the amount of love the heart can carry”.

“Our love is a kind of love that is greater than love and cannot be loved by others”.

“I wish we can be together on a separate planet, just the two of us, loving ourselves for eternity. It’s wonderful, isn’t it?”

“I have always been dreaming about you, even today”.

“Everyone else in this world might forget me, but as long as you remember me, I do not care”.

“Love isn’t all about looking at each other continuously, but in staring at a particular direction, together”.

“Love can never be static. Rather, it is renewed to become fresh and new again at all times”.

“Love is unpredictable, like a fire that you cannot tell if it will only make you feel warm or if it will burn you down. It is capable of both”.

“Your happiness is what is really needed to make me happy”.

“There is nothing I could ever yearn for in this life than to be with you forever, without obstructions. It will give me inexpressible joy”.

“You can never lose love. When no one loves you in return, the love tends to rally back, calm the heart and cleanse it”.

“The key to knowing a perfect love is patience. You need to possess the will to endure your partner if you really love the person”.

“Love is impartial. Hence, the amount of love you give out if the amount you receive in equal measure”.

“I have this feeling that we will live longer than I imagined for as long as we continue to love each other”.

“Nothing is capable of destroying our love. Because what we share is an enduring love, a kind love, and most of all, a true love”.

“There is every reason to love you and zero reasons not to love you. Your beautiful smiles, your precious heart, your comforting soul, I can go on and on”.

“The reason we love is because it is the only journey in this world that is real and perfect”.

“I love you at first glance. I still love you at last glance. I will love you at eternity glance”.

“To love is to locate ourselves in another person, and the joy in the knowledge that we find ourselves there”.

“I liked you yesterday, I loved you today, I will cherish you tomorrow. I am afraid of how much more it will be after a day after tomorrow and forever”.

“I liked you yesterday, I loved you today, I will cherish you tomorrow. I am afraid of how much more it will be after a day after tomorrow and forever”.

“Loving you deeply is a puzzle that I am yet to solve. Yet, I have never planned to stop”.

“Take me to your doctor, I want to be operated upon, even if it means tearing my flesh apart, so you could see the extent of the love I have for you”.

“Show me a woman that is more beautiful than you are. If it is confirmed by my heart, then I will cease to exist because I have already fallen helplessly for you”.

“My mind says you are the best. My heart says I love you. My soul says you are mine. I truly love you, dear”.

“I am me. You are you. We are us. But I love you deeply, hence, we became entangled, then you became “Me”.

“The more they are disturbed about my love for you, the deeper I fall you”.

“You might not be popular in the world, but in my heart, you are a Celebrity. That is how far my love for you have become”.

“I have become so deeply in love with you that I seem to have lost memory on how it all began”.

“I love you so much. It might sound simple. Search my heart, and you will see it has involuntarily been replaced by you”.

“Your heart is an ocean. I have drowned in it, yet I am not ready to be rescued”.

“The moment I fall in love with you, I immediately wished it is possible to stay by your side forever, ageless”.

“If I have the power I would create a separate world, free from obstructions, just for you and me, together, and forever”.

“There is no life for me without your heart. There is no heart for me without your love. There is no love for me without you”.

Final Conclusion.

Alright, here, we go then! You can make your choice from the list of quotes presented above, to show your lover how you truly and deeply love him/her. And I bet, it will further cement your place in his/her heart forever.

210+ Emotional Short Deep Love Quotes For Her and Him (2024)


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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.