Texas Brand - Book Series In Order (2024)

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Publication Order of The Texas Brands Books

The Littlest Cowboy (1996)Description/BuyatAmazon
The Baddest Virgin in Texas (1997)Description/BuyatAmazon
Badlands Bad Boy (1997)Description/BuyatAmazon
The Husband She Couldn't Remember / Long Gone Lonesome Blues (1998)Description/BuyatAmazon
The Mysterious Texas Brand Man / That Mysterious Man / Texas Guardian (1998)Description/BuyatAmazon
The Baddest Bride in Texas / Lone Star Lonely (1999)Description/BuyatAmazon
The Outlaw Bride (1999)Description/BuyatAmazon
Angel Meets the Badman / Texas Angel (2000)Description/BuyatAmazon
The Homecoming / Texas Homecoming (2001)Description/BuyatAmazon

Publication Order of Oklahoma All-Girl Brands Books

The Brands Who Came for Christmas (2000)Description/BuyatAmazon
Brand New Heartache (2001)Description/BuyatAmazon
Secrets and Lies (2002)Description/BuyatAmazon
Feels Like Home / A Mommy for Christmas (2005)Description/BuyatAmazon
One Magic Summer / Dangerous Lover (2006)Description/BuyatAmazon
Sweet Vidalia Brand (2014)Description/BuyatAmazon
A Brand of Christmas (2015)Description/BuyatAmazon

The Texas Brand is a series of romance novels by Maggie Shayne, a bestselling author with more than 50 paranormal, time travel, romantic suspense, and contemporary western romance novels. She has won many awards including the prestigious RITA Award by the Romance Writers of America. Shayne was born and grew up in rural Syracuse and has always loved telling stories since she was a child. In fact, she would rewrite the endings to horror movies she watched and the novels she read. However, it was not until she was much older that she thought she had it in her to become an author. While a Harlequin editor rejected her first novel, her second novel “Twilight Phantasies” was so well received that it launched the highly successful “Wings in the Night” series. Her novels have made the New York Times, Waldenbooks, Booksense and USA Today bestseller lists.

Maggie Shayne is very much interested in religion and culture of ancient Sumer and studied at a chartered Wiccan seminary to become an Elder and High Priestess of Wicca. As a licensed minister, she founded the Hawks of RavenMyst where she serves as priest. She has five grown-up daughters and currently lives in upstate New York with her husband Lance.

The Texas Brand by Maggie Shayne is a series of novels set in Texas featuring an old fashioned and conservative family. The family includes the brothers Garret, Elliot, Wes, Adam, Ben and their sister Jessica. Garret the eldest is the leader of the family and has kept the family together and safe despite being more of a gentle giant than a domineering man. In the first novel of the series “The Littlest Cowboy” we are introduced to Garret as an upstanding man that also serves as the small town’s sheriff. He is an all-round good guy who runs a ranch, takes care of his siblings and keeps the town safe. Then we have Chelsea who has had a rough childhood that has made her stubborn and strong, though untrusting of relationships and men. “The Baddest Virgin in Texas” the third novel of the series is about Jessi, the baby sister of the Brand brothers. As their only sister, she has lived a protected life as her brothers never saw her as anything than their baby sister even as she is now a grown woman. While the brothers try their best to keep her safe, she falls for Lash Monroe a drifter who comes to work on the Brand farm. He is very similar to her brothers and does not want anything to do with the hot twenty-year-old, which makes for quite the story as she pursues him and makes him his. “Badlands Bad Boy” is a different type of novel featuring Wes Brand who is going back to his roots. He had always struggled to belong and never felt like he had the proud blood of the Comanche that flowed in his veins even though he had been embraced as one of their own by the Brands. Finding himself needing someone, he had settled for the headstrong and no-nonsense Taylor McCoy, who resists him at every turn. She does not trust easily, even though she has a secret desire to be with a man who embodied the Comanche heritage.

“The Littlest Cowboy” is an intriguing romance novel that opens to Garrett Brand the town sheriff waking up to a noise and opening the door to find a baby in swaddling on his doorstep. What is more puzzling is that the note attached says the baby’s name is Ethan and that he is the father. His brothers and sisters cannot stop ridiculing him though he is certain that the child is not his. Nonetheless, he is attached to the six-month-old child and decides to keep it rather than give it up to social services. In the meantime, he will be conducting his own investigations to find the parents of the child. But it is not long before Chelsea Brennan arrives at his doorstep breathing fire and accusing him of kidnapping her nephew and killing her sister. She is convinced that the father of the child killed the mother to get the child and since Garrett has the child, he must be guilty. It takes a while but he finally manages to convince her that he had nothing to do with her sister’s death or the baby. But things become complicated when some mysterious caller claiming to be the baby’s father threatens to steal the baby and kill Chelsea. Since they had started their investigations, Garrett has slowly fallen in love with Chelsea and would not bear the thought of any harm coming to her. He needs to convince her to stay on the ranch for her own safety, though it is clear love also weighs in.

In the second novel of the series “The Baddest Virgin in Texas,” Jessica the baby sister of the Brand family decides to get out of the protective shell of her brothers. She had loved Lash Monroe the drifter who was working on their farm since she first saw him, though he was more than a decade older than her. On his part, he saw her just like her brothers did, the Brand baby sister and nothing like a romantic prospect. But at 23, she thinks it is high time her brothers and Lash treated her like the grown woman she is. She hatches a plan to get her man Lash and it is not long before he is falling under her spell. He had never been one to settle down in one place and loved the freedom of being able to pack up and leave at a moment’s things but things are now getting complicated. He has taken Jessica’s virginity and feels that he must stick around and marry her. Moreover, he has come to love the small and feisty Brand sister. But he does not know how the Brands with whom he has become fast friends with will react to the news of their relationship.

“Badlands Bad Boy” the third novel of the Texas Brands series is a novel about Wes Brand and Taylor McCoy. The novel introduced Turtle, a man that is more of a father figure to Taylor having been present at her birth. Now that she is older, Turtle thinks he has found the perfect man for her – Wes Brand. It turns out that Wes Is looking to settle down and has asked Turtle for help. Turtle makes up a reason for Taylor to come back home and convinces Wes to dress up as Wolf Shadow to scare her in the dark and then swoop in as Wes to protect her. She had always loved Wolf Shadow but is now attracted to both him and Wes Brand. But deception usually comes to light in these situations and McCoy is deeply heart when she learns of it. It takes a lot for Wes to finally convince her to forgive him but she finally does accept him. Taylor is a sucker for the Cherokee culture and country living and she is soon deeply invested in Wes’s plan for the ranch and his future as a traditional Shaman. They go the whole hog doing the Cherokee rituals to prove that they were meant for each other. But will their union be blessed by the ancients?

Book Series In Order » Characters » Texas Brand

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