The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)

24 NEWS SECTION THE ENQUIRER, CINCINNATI, SUNDAY, JANUARY 23, 1927 the aggression of the stronger na tions. We must not drop the tasks party received from the natives' of the islands visited, Mr. Thompson asserted that if the United States con No CoM which we assumed a quarter of a century ago until we have satisfied POLITICS Is Principal Problem tinues its influence in the islands for another 25 years virtually every one there will be able to converse in Eng ITtri Vurs ton, where he stayed but a short time. v. He told Marshal Derrenkemp and Deputy Rothaus how the morning following the murder that he read newspaper accounts of the shooting and then boarded a train for New York.

Fortney is aald to have written a letter to his divorced wife in which he pleads self-defense, and urges that she tell the truth, predicting that if she does he will be a free man within 30 days, but the letter added that he did not expect her to tell the' truth. ourselves that the Filipinos are prepared for complete self-government We should not take away from the Philippine people their aspiration to govern themselves whenever they are able to stand alone as an independent people. lish. '1. ii.

JL.UB The speaker aald he found the hos The writer baa not had a cold In! nve years, lie coiaa irom pitality, whether it came from the highest social rank or the common people in the provinces. to be the same. In Dealing With' Philippines, Carmi A. Thompson Says. Internal Antonomy Favored.

'While we are preparing the Fili 'The Filipino has no inclination pinos for self-government we should not. reduce the internal autonomy toward business or the practical development of the great natural re which they have been granted, un less their own conduct should make this necessary. Internal Autonomy, With American Control of Foreign Policies, Fa-. vored By Observer. OHIO PASTORS To Meet in Columbus.

i Cinelnnatians To Lead Discussion-International Relationships To i Be Among Topics. Columbus, Ohio, January 22 (A. One thousand specialists in their field will meet here' for four days next week to discuss the Internal problems of Ohio's Protestant churches "and their evangelistic programs. The occasion is the eighth annual Ohio Pastors' Convention, at which every Protestant denomination in Ohio will be represented. The convention will not restrain Itself to the confines of Ohio, however, for among the Issues to be discussed are the World Court and relatives with Mexico and Central America.

Certain of the best-known clergymen in America will address the con sources," he continued. "Under the present condition of political uncertainty outside capital will not Invest in the islands. The Filipino leaders 'I am firmly convinced that we can Negro Stabbed In Back Martin Glut, 30 years old, was found lying at Fifth and Smith streets last night suffering fnpm a knife wound In his back. Ha was removed to the Oansral Hospital, whers It wa said his condition Is serious. Deteo-tlves Walbbs, Metgr and Bohroedintrer filed a charge o( possession of liquor against Olne fcf tsr they found a pint of moonshine on his person, they allege.

J. McConnell, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Pittsburg, and Bishop Theodore S. Henderson, Cincinnati. Dr. Cadman will apeak twice Tuesday, his address -at 11:15 Eastern standard time being broadcast by, Station WAIU.

Bishop Henderson, Chairman of the Evangellstio Committee of the Ohio Council of Churches, will speak twice also. Tentative reports of committees already have been drawn up by the five Chairmen to facilitate discussion. The Chairmen are: Rev. W. H.

Gelsweit Dayton, Evangelism; Rev. Hugh Evan Evans, Dayton, Religious Education; Rev. Charles Ryan Adams, Springfield, Youth; Rev. Nicholas Van Der Ply, Oberlin, International Good Will; Rev. Henry White, Youngstown, Moral Welfare.

Each commission will be assisted i its deliberations by expert advisors, as follows: Evangelism, Bishop Henderson; Religious Education, Dr. H. Shelton Smith, of the International Council of RpIlgIousEducatlon, Chicago; Moral Welfare, Prof. C. C.

North, Ohio State University; Prof. Earle Eubank, University of Cincinnati, and Rev, George N. Lucco*ck, Wooster; Youth Doi'glas Haskel, editor of the New Student, New York; Rev. Robert L. Tucker, Columbus; International Relations, Dr.

Sidney L. Gullck, International Good Will Secretary of the Federal Council of Churches, New York. ALLEGED SLATER RETURNED. i. Fred B.

Fortney To Be Tried For Killing of Leon Paris. Fred B. Fortney, who last November, it is alleged, seriously wounded his divorced, wife and shot and killed Leon Paris at Elmwood Place, was 1 returned to Cincinnati from Lynchburg, Albert Derrenkemp, Elmwood Marshal, and Deputy Sheriff Frank Rothaus, and was lodged in the county jail to' await trial on a first-degree murder charge. On the trip from Lynchburg, where he was arrested on a charge of having stolen an automobile, and which later brought a confession of the murder from him, Fortney told the Cincinnati officers' of his actions the night following the murder and how his initials on a handkerchief, coupled with the theft of an automobile, brought about his arrest on the murder charge. Fortney told police that after he had shot Paris and his divorced wife he went to the Carthage' police station with lntentlons-of giving himself up.

No one was at the station. He thtn boarded a bus for Cincinnati, the officers said they were told, and arriving at the down-town terminus he walked to the Suspension bridge, intent upon Jumping Into the river. He changed his mind again, the officers said, and went to a relative's home in Coving do most good for ourselves in the Philippines by helping the Filipinos to make the most of their great opportunities, contacts, just others do. But at the first sneese he takes HILL'S. 1 hare proved that colds do not develop when one does that But there are other things that millions know.

HILL'S checks a cold. In 24 hours after It has developed. It ends, the fever, opens the bowels, tones the entire system. It leaves one feeling better than when the, cold began. i HILL'S combines four of the greatest helps modern science has discovered.

It was perfected by one of the world's largest laboratories. It is so efficient, so well-proved that the present owners paid 11,000,000 for Nobody who knows what HILL'S can do. will ever use a lesser help. Nor will they delay. are discouraging the admission of capital for investment, fearing that It would lead to economic exploitation and retard the day for 'We must approach all Philippine All political questions, Mr.

Thomp problems with sincerity, sympathy, understanding and friendship. The Filipinos, as a people, are worthy of our confidence and our assistance. There Is much to be done to re son said, radiate around the independence question. Americans, wno believe that the cry for independence comes from the so-called "Pollticos" alone, are mistaken, he continued, move the obstacles to Philippine de The fundamental problem of the Philippine Islands Is politics, and no tonomlcU.l development can be started until the political status of the Islands a settled finally or for a long tiWie to ome, declared Carmi A. Cleveland, Ohio, who made personal investigation of conditions there for President Coolidge, at the dinner of th Commercial Club last Bight at thai 2ueen City Prefacing address by a detailed description of the welcome he and his velopment that have been raised by misunderstanding and prejudloe." Diabetes Discovery From Europe After successful use in Europe, Dr.

Stein-Callenfels's wonderful diabetic treatment, which allows yon to gradually eat what yon aeed, Is now, available in this country. A book describing this wonderful treatment will be sent FREE OF CHARGE to any sufferer of diabetes. Don't delay. Write M. Richartz.

Dept. 17, 220 West 42d New York. Advertisem*nt adding that, while there are two well-defined political parties In the Philip pines, they differ only on internal questions, both having the same view Be Sure It's ftkeQg CASCARAQUININf ACQUITTAL vention or lead discussions. Among on Independence. Mr.

Thompson again reiterated his them will be Dr. 8. Parkes Cad man. New York, President of the Federal Council of Churches: Bishop Francis stand that complete Independence for Get Red Box with portrait) the Islands was impractical because Is Expected Confidently By Pastor- of the lack of financial resources necessary to maintain an Independent Killer Mass Meeting Planned as Home-Coming. government.

He said that the bitter religious feud between the Christian Filipinos and the Mohammedan Mdros might accentuate the danger of a civil Ud55G5 8 war should the Islanders be granted SPECIAL DISPATCH TO TH1 ENQCIaBI. FITTED TO JW YOL'tt KYES i wamemamm i Austin, Texas, January 22. So confident of acquittal is Rev. J. Frank N'orris, accused slayer of D.

E. Chlpps. freedom in their own right. Considering these problems, it would be unwise from the standpoint of American commercial Interests in the far Eat to relinquish control of the islands at this time, he asserted. Local Control Sought.

that he has planned a mass meeting for his Ft. Worth Baptist Church. It will be a triumphant home-coming "The Independence propaganda for him he indicated here today might give one the impression that while his trial was nearing a close. the Filipinos will not be satlffled Norrls, militant fundamentalist. with anything: less than complete, shot and killed Chlpps In the pastor's absolute and immediate independence," he continued.

"During my stay mm i mMMi i study at Ft. Worth July 17, 1926. The trial has lasted two weeks. In the Islands I sought every opportunity to obtain the opinions of Filipino political and business leaders, Only two defense witnesses remain to be heard Monday. Their testl hi i kts zs rai a Ill and to my mind what they "really II Jl IM.

1 III mony, the defense announced, will hope for Is an early settlement of their relations with the United States Split joint Zylo Shell Frame and perlacople lenses, fitted to yoor tjr tor either Bear or far vision, esamlaatlon la-eluded, complete bear solely on that' of a state's witness, C. B. Rogers. Their questioning will require 20 minutes, Norrls's on a basis which would give them complete antonomy in internal af counsel promised. Meanwhile, Judge James R.

Hamilton said he would go ill MBsm mm -wmmimi in fairs, but with the United States dl rectlng all foreign affairs." over the Court's charge to the Jury mi iwi i kjuot ii The other phases of the political problems, he said, was the breach which. In this state, precedes the summing-up addresses of prosecution i between the Governor General and and defense. OUR GUARANTEE No matter how bad your eye nr or how nutnj an- flaVlHfS) you have hiMl fitted, we aho-Inlely ttrntre to fit and make rlntmea to stive yon comfortable vision, relfave your ey entrain and eyestrain heff'lHehe iO DROPS USED. the Legislature, which was brought about "by tactless methods" In the BURNS SELF ON COALS. Louisville Man Believed To Have "Cavalry Cabinet" dealings with the Filipino leaders.

The leaders complained that Governor General Leonard "Wood virtually has destroyed the autonomy which they acquired under the former Governor General and further allege that he actually has Been Crazed By Religion. IriCUL DISPATCH TO Till SNqtlM. Louisville, January 22. Rob ert Miller, 45 years old, Is In a se established himself as a military die tator. rious condition here today as a result of burns he suffered last night when "The United States has a duty to OPTICAL CO.

WALNUT ST. 430 perform toward the Flliphio people We must not abandon these islands Opposite Oibwn Hotel. he took off his clothing and lay on live coals he had scattered on the Years' Experience. to the risk of an Independent existence without reasonable preparation to meet the economic competition or sis mimm floor of his home. READ THIS SENSATIONAL Miller, who Is believed to have been crazed by religion, also threatened the lives of his mother and niece, it I I I iub ouiriT XJfcJSiSSUm mmum mill If outfit OFFER OF A COMPLETE Is said.

This a The pair fled and neighbors, who consists of noticed smoke Issuing from the house, DO NOT FAIL TO READ THE TWATER KENT SECTION I THIS ISSUE B. W. SMITH CORP'N, Distributors turned in an alarm. Mrs. Miller said she found her son rolling on the hot gorgeous velour three-Diece LIVING ROOD coals and praying when she returned piece living rvuom ouiie, sag l5r7 (O I Livinsr Room Suite.

to her home. with spring-filled loose cush-" xQ'mo; I with spring-filled loose cush-" ions and roll arms. Mahogany finish Davenport Table, Polychrome Base Bridge Lamp with rich georgette silk shade, mahogany finish End Table OUTFIT DO NOT OVERLOOK THIS WONDERFUL OFFER 2 IN mi ill 16-Piece IED-BOOM OUTFIT MONDAY SALE! 690 Beautiful Spring Frocks They're so NEVif So Smart So Fine You'd Guess Their Price Was SEVERAL TIMES $975! Handsome RAYON BEDSPREAD SET Included in This Outfit $(TW5 MISSES' SIZES MISSES' SIZES M'S KIAPliiKl Jtl ft InJoDbilL-A isiniisiiiiica iifPiT 18-FP. UUUUUWUUU TK 1 'ill 11' I 4-Piece Tudor Design Walnut Finish Bedroon Suite included in this Outfit 1 I FLAT CREPES GEORGETTES "KATRINA" PRINTS Striking New Tailored Styles Lovely New "Dressy" Frocks They are fresh from their tissue-lined boxes There seems to be no end to the number of styles Tiered, straight-line, two-piece and bloused effects in BLACK, NAVY, rouge, monkeyskin, rose beige, gooseberry and the very NEWEST combinations They will sell as fast as they are shown So be early especially if you want more than one of them. This Outfit Consists of Two Boudoir 'Lamps One Picture One Bed Lamp Two Pillow Slips Beautiful Rayon Bedspread Set Bow-End Bed Chifforobe Large Vanity Dresser Iron Spring Cotton Mattress Cane-Seat Bench Two Pillows 1l95 EXTRA SPECIAL! MONDAY SALE! NEW SPRING HATS "Copies" and "Samples" Hats of silk and straw, faille and novelty bra'di Tailored and trimmed styles in ask and the msst becoming' spring reli, gree is, ta ir, greys, etc.

They are SENSATIONAL values at this price. WHITE AAC DAMAIF ENAMEL VIIH ITmrtlMVIIL We Give You With Any Purchase of $25 or More a Set of Famous 16 Pieces Full Size Mamazel Toilet Preparations, Delivered at Time of Purchase. 213 WEST FIFTH ST. Oocvrls-ht. Jon-.

The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.