Short Love Poems in Spanish Are the Perfect Valentine's Day Gift (2024)

Short Love Poems in Spanish Are the Perfect Valentine's Day Gift (1)

January 22, 2023 by Lindsay del Valle Our Top Picks, Reading Practice in Spanish 0 comments

Are you ready to feel the love withthese short love poems in Spanish?

These classic love poems are the ideal way to express your feelings for someone special on Valentine’s Day in a unique and romantic way. Dedicating a short Spanish love poem to a loved one is a wonderful way to show your devotion and how much you care about them.

There are many treasures and amazing things in life, but none are as valuable as your partner’s and closest friends’ love. Even if they were not with you from the beginning, you have a strong bond with them. Your love for each other is unparalleled, and what better way to express it than through Spanishpoetry?

We have hand-picked ten short Spanish love poems for you to read and share. Each one is packed with powerful emotions that will make you think, pique your imagination, and send a deep, loving message. Write a poem from the heart for your loved one instead of a simple Valentine’s Day gift.

Continue reading to find out more about these short Spanish love poems that have also been translated into English.

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Short Love Poems in Spanish Are the Perfect Valentine's Day Gift (2)


  • Abrazo (Hug) by Pablo Neruda
  • Amor eterno (Eternal Love) by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer Poema de la amistad (Friendship Poem) by Octavio Paz
  • Poema de la amistad (Friendship Poem) by Octavio Paz
  • Dame la mano (Give Me Your Hand) by Gabriela Mistral
  • Amistad (Friendship) by Carlos Castro Saavedra
  • Rima XXI (Verse XX) by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer
  • Contigo (With You) by Luis Cernuda
  • Amor (Love) by Salvador Novo
  • Creo en ti amigo (I Trust You My Friend) by Pablo Neruda
  • Amo, amas (I Love, You Love) by Rubén Darío
  • How To Dedicate Your Love Poems in Spanish
  • Improve Your Spanish With Our Friendly, Certified Teachers

1. Abrazo (Hug) by Pablo Neruda

Do you ever feel that words just can’t quite capture the depth of your love? Luckily, there is a universal language that transcends words and conveys affection in the most powerful way: hugs.

Hugs are a simple yet powerful way to show someone else how much you care. They can convey love, comfort, and support in a way that words just can’t. And what better way to express these feelings than through the beauty of poetry about hugs?

This short love poem by Neruda perfectly captures the feeling of longing for those we love, especially when they aren’t near us. It expresses the desire to share hugs and feel their warmth, even when distance separates us. This poem is a reminder of the power of love and how it can transcend even physical distance.

Neruda’s words remind us of the importance of hugs in expressing our love to those we care about the most.

Abrazo por Pablo Neruda

Un simple abrazo nos enternece el corazón;
nos da la bienvenida y nos hace más llevadera la vida.

Un abrazo es una forma de compartir alegrías
así como también los momentos tristes que se nos presentan.

Es tan solo una manera de decir a nuestros amigos
que los queremos y que nos preocupamos uno por el otro
porque los abrazos fueron hechos para darlos a quienes queremos.

El abrazo es algo grandioso.
Es la manera perfecta para demostrar el amor que sentimos
cuando no conseguimos la palabra justa.

Es maravilloso porque tan sólo un abrazo dado con mucho cariño,
hace sentir bien a quien se lo damos, sin importar el lugar ni el idioma
porque siempre es entendido.

Por estas razones y por muchas más…
hoy te envío mi más cálido abrazo.

English Translation: Hug by Pablo Neruda

A simple hug softens our hearts;
welcomes us and makes life more bearable.

A hug is a way of sharing joys
as well as the sad moments that come our way.

It is just a way of saying to our friends
that we love them and that we care about each other
because hugs were made to give to those who we love.

A hug is an amazing action.
It is the perfect way to show the love we feel
When we don’t get the right word.

It is wonderful because just a hug given with lots of love,
makes feel good to who we give it to, regardless the place or language
because it is always understood.

For these, and for many more reasons…
Today, I send you my warmest hug.

Read more poems from Pablo Neruda here.

2. Amor eterno (Eternal Love) by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer

Love is a strong force that can catch us off guard, overpowering our ability to think logically and leaving us lost in a whirlwind of thoughts and feelings. We may pass the timethinking about our loved oneday and night, no matterthe weather, and imagining them as a permanent part of our lives.

Thisnext poem by Bécquer is a work of art that shows how deep and intense love can be and how it can take over our minds and hearts.

Bécquer’s words remind us that love is not just a feeling, but a powerful force that can change our lives forever.

Amor eterno por Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer

Podrá nublarse el sol eternamente;
Podrá secarse en un instante el mar;
Podrá romperse el eje de la tierra
Como un débil cristal.

¡Todo sucederá! Podrá la muerte
Cubrirme con su fúnebre crespón;
Pero jamás en mí podrá apagarse
La llama de tu amor.

English Translation: Eternal Love by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer

The sun can cloud forever;
The sea can dry up in an instant;
The axis of the earth can be broken
Like a weak crystal.

Everything will happen! Death can
cover me with its funereal crepe;
But the flame of your love
Can never be turned off in me.

3. Poema de la amistad (Friendship Poem) by Octavio Paz

Valentine’s Day is a day to celebrate all kinds of love and affection, including the special bond between friends.

This poem by Paz is the perfect way to show how much you care about and love your lifelong friends. It showcasesthe fact thatthere are many kinds of love, and that the love between friends is special and wonderful. It’s built on trust, support, and shared memories, and it’s something to be treasured.

Paz’s words help us show our best friends how much we appreciate them on Valentine’s Day byhonoringthe unique and wonderful love that exists in a strong friendship.

Poema de la amistad por Octavio Paz

La amistad es un río y un anillo.
El río fluye a través del anillo.
El anillo es una isla en el río.
Dice el río: antes no hubo río, después sólo río.
Antes y después: lo que borra la amistad.
¿Lo borra? El río fluye y el anillo se forma.
La amistad borra al tiempo y así nos libera.
Es un río que, al fluir, inventa sus anillos.
En la arena del río se borran nuestras huellas.
En la arena buscamos al río: ¿dónde te has ido?
Vivimos entre olvido y memoria: este instante
es una isla combatida por el tiempo incesante.

English Translation: Friendship Poem by Octavio Paz

Friendship is a river and a ring.
The river flows through the ring.
The ring is an island in the river.
The river says: before there was no river, then only river.
Before and after: what erases friendship.
Does it erase that? The river flows and the ring is formed.
Friendship erases time and thus frees us.
It is a river that, as it flows, creates its rings.
In the sand of the river our footprints are erased.
In the sand we look for the river: where have you gone?
We live between oblivion and memory: this moment
is an island fought by incessant time.

4. Dame la mano (Give Me Your Hand) by Gabriela Mistral

Gabriela Mistral was the first Latin American woman to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1945. Her poem Dame la mano—like so many of her other poems—is full of life and energy.

It conveys the joy of the present moment when we spend it with the people we love. The prose exudes natural themes and movement, when the love between two people feels like a dance in the middle of the forest. Interestingly, this poem’s refrain of “give me your hand” is in relation to the unity of love and couplehood as well as the beauty of achieving such a bond.

Dame la mano por Gabriela Mistral

Dame la mano y danzaremos;
dame la mano y me amarás.
Como una sola flor seremos,
como una flor, y nada más…

El mismo verso cantaremos,
al mismo paso bailarás.
Como una espiga ondularemos,
como una espiga, y nada más.

Te llamas Rosa y yo Esperanza;
pero tu nombre olvidarás,
porque seremos una danza
en la colina y nada más…

English Translation: Give Me Your Hand by Gabriela Mistral

Give me your hand and we will dance;
give me your hand and you will love me.
As a single flower we will be,
like a flower, and nothing else…

We will sing the same verse
at the same step you will dance.
Like a spike we will undulate,
like a spike, and nothing else…

Your name is Rose and mine is Hope;
but you will forget your name,
because we will be a dance
on the hill and nothing else…

5. Amistad (Friendship) by Carlos Castro Saavedra

A true friend is one who is always there for you—in good times and bad. Cheers to your friend who goes out of their way to show you that you’re not alone. In this poem by Saavedra, you explore that sincere feeling of love that exists between true friends. This is another ideal poem to dedicate to your best friend.

Amistad es lo mismo que una mano que en otra mano apoya su fatiga y siente que el cansancio se mitiga y el camino se vuelve más humano.

El amigo sincero es el hermano claro y elemental como la espiga, como el pan, como el sol, como la hormiga que confunde la miel con el verano.

Grande riqueza, dulce compañía es la del ser que llega con el día y aclara nuestras noches interiores.

Fuente de convivencia, de ternura, es la amistad que crece y se madura en medio de alegrías y dolores.

English Translation: Friendship by Carlos Castro Saavedra

Friendship is the same as a hand that supports its fatigue in another hand and feels that tiredness is mitigated and the path becomes more human.

The sincere friend is the clear and essential brother like the spike, like the bread, like the sun, like the ant that mistakes honey for summer.

Great wealth, sweet company is of the being that arrives with the day and brightens our inner nights.

Source of coexistence, of tenderness, is the friendship that grows and matures in the middle of joys and pains.

6. Rima XXI (Verse XX) by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer

When it comes to short love poems, this poem by Bécquer is the best. In just four verses, he expresses all the love felt for another person. Out of all the short love poems, this poem acts as a reflection on the very function and nature of poetry itself—clarifying that love has no definition within words, but instead within the beloved.

In just a few words, you can tell someone how much you love them by dedicating this short love poem to them on Valentine’s Day.

Rima XXI por Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer

¿Qué es poesía?, dices, mientras clavas
en mi pupila tu pupila azul,
¡Qué es poesía! ¿Y tú me lo preguntas?
Poesía… eres tú.

Verse XXI – Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer

What is poetry ?, you say, while you put
your blue pupil in my pupil,
What is poetry! Are you asking me that?
Poetry… is you.

Short Love Poems in Spanish Are the Perfect Valentine's Day Gift (4)

7. Contigo (With You) by Luis Cernuda

This poem by Cernuda is short but mighty in its ability to transmit the feeling of falling in love. As a simple, sweet poem, it asks us to reflect on how the most important details are often hidden in the simplest of things. In a few words it explores the intensity of deep love that sustains a person’s reason for existing. It has an important message about love, these verses say love is pure, personal, and simple.

Contigo por Luis Cernuda

¿Mi tierra?
Mi tierra eres tú.

¿Mi gente?
Mi gente eres tú.

El destierro y la muerte
para mi están adonde
no estés tú.

¿Y mi vida?
Dime, mi vida,
¿qué es, si no eres tú?

English Translation: With You by Luis Cernuda

My world?
You are my world.

My people?
You are my people.

For me, exile and death
are where you are not present.

And… My life?
Tell me, my life,
What is it, if it’s not you?

8. Amor (Love) by Salvador Novo

The best way to explain that love has no language, price, time or space and that love is simply infinite, is through this poem. With these verses you can tell someone that you love them very much and that when you miss them terribly when you’re not together.

Amor por Salvador Novo

Amar es este tímido silencio
cerca de ti, sin que lo sepas,
y recordar tu voz cuando te marchas
y sentir el calor de tu saludo.

Amar es aguardarte
como si fueras parte del ocaso,
ni antes ni después, para que estemos solos
entre los juegos y los cuentos
sobre la tierra seca.

Amar es percibir, cuando te ausentas,
tu perfume en el aire que respiro,
y contemplar la estrella en que te alejas
cuando cierro la puerta de la noche.

English Translation: Love by Salvador Novo

To love is this shy silence
close to you, without you knowing,
and remember your voice when you leave
and feel the warmth of your greeting.

To love is to wait for you
as if you were part of the sunset,
neither before nor after, so that we are alone
between games and stories
on dry land.

To love is to perceive, when you are absent,
your perfume in the air that I breathe,
and appreciate the star in which you walk away
when I close the door at night.

9. Creo en ti amigo (I Trust You My Friend) by Pablo Neruda

One could argue that without friendship, there is no love.

Friends make us feel loved and the especially unique ones earn our trust in incalculable ways. This poem by Neruda is perfect for dedicating to your friend who you trust the most and to whom you want to express your appreciation.

Creo en ti amigo por Pablo Neruda

Creo en ti amigo:
Si tu sonrisa es como un rayo de luz
que alegra mi existencia.

Creo en ti amigo:
Si tus ojos brillan de alegría al encontrarnos.

Creo en ti amigo:
Si compartes mis lágrimas y
sabes llorar con los que lloran.

Creo en ti amigo:
Si tu mano está abierta para dar y
tu voluntad es generosa para ayudar.

Creo en ti amigo:
Si tus palabras son sinceras y
expresan lo que siente tu corazón.

Creo en ti amigo:
Si sabes comprender bondadosamente mis debilidades y
me defiendes cuando me calumnian.

Creo en ti amigo:
Si tienes valor para corregirme amablemente.

Creo en ti amigo:
Si sabes orar por mí,
y brindarme buen ejemplo.

Creo en ti amigo:
Si tu amistad me lleva a amar más a Dios
y a tratar mejor a los demás.

Creo en tí amigo:
Si no te avergüenzas de ser mi amigo
en las horas tristes y amargas.

English Translation: I Trust You My Friend by Pablo Neruda

I trust you my friend:
If your smile is like a ray of light
that makes me happy.

I trust you my friend:
If your eyes shine with joy when we are together.

I trust you my friend:
If you share my tears and
you know how to cry with those who cry.

I trust you my friend:
If your hand is open to give and
your will is generous to help.

I trust you my friend:
If your words are sincere and
they express what your heart feels.

I trust you my friend:
If you can kindly understand my weaknesses and
you defend me when others slander me.

I trust you my friend:
If you have the courage to correct me with affection.

I trust you my friend:
If you know how to pray for me,
and give me a good example.

I trust you my friend:
If your friendship leads me to love God more
and to treat others better.

I trust you my friend:
If you are not ashamed to be my friend
in the sad and bitter hours.

10. Amo, amas (I Love, You Love) by Rubén Darío

Love presents itself throughout our life as a limitless feeling that when shared with others, it’s unique and special. This poem by Darío shows us the power of love and the intensity with which we can feel it. It is a feeling that gives us life and even if time passes—if we truly love someone—love will never die.

Amo, amas por Rubén Darío

Amar, amar, amar, amar siempre, con todo
el ser y con la tierra y con el cielo,
con lo claro del sol y lo oscuro del lodo;
amar por toda ciencia y amar por todo anhelo.

Y cuando la montaña de la vida
nos sea dura y larga y alta y llena de abismos,
amar la inmensidad que es de amor encendida
¡y arder en la fusión de nuestros pechos mismos!

English Translation: I Love, You Love by Rubén Darío

Loving, loving, loving, loving always, with everything
the being and with the earth and with the sky,
with the light of the sun and the dark of the mud;
love for all science and love for all desire.

And when the mountain of life
be hard and long and high and full of abysses,
love the immensity that is of love on
And burn in the fusion of our souls!

How To Dedicate Your Love Poems in Spanish

To help you dedicate your short love poems in Spanish, try out some of these sentences:

Te dedico este poema.
I dedicate this poem to you.

Tengo un regalo especial para ti.
I have a special gift for you.

Te doy este poema como obsequio de San Valentín.
I give you this poem as a Valentine’s gift.

Te quiero.
I love you.

Te quiero mucho.
I love you so much.

Gracias por tu amistad.
Thanks for your friendship.

Quise obsequiarte un poema corto de amor en español.
I wanted to give you a short love poem in Spanish.

Lee este poema, es para ti.
Read this poem, it is for you.

Te regalo este poema. ¡Espero que te guste!
I give you this poem. I hope you like it!

Improve Your Spanish With Our Friendly, Certified Teachers

You can dedicate these short love poems in Spanish on Valentine’s Day and make those people who are important in your life feel loved.

The simple joys of life can’t be compared to objects, and reading these short love poems in Spanish will be one of those simple pleasures for you and your beloved friend or partner.

If you’d like to practice reading these poems out loud, sign up for a free class with one of our professional, native Spanish-speaking teachers who would love to help you bring your chosen poem to life. Empower the magic of your poetic gifts by reciting them perfectly in Spanish! Give our Spanish class a try and have the best Valentine’s Day you’ve ever had.

Short Love Poems in Spanish Are the Perfect Valentine's Day Gift (5)

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Lindsay del Valle

Former Director of Content at Homeschool Spanish Academy

Lover of words and a foreign language fanatic. Experienced content leader, strategist, and editor with a track record of success. As a writer, I blissfully share Spanish-learning tips, best-idea-ever travel advice, and at-a-glance cultural guides. When you can't find me working spiritedly from my home office in Antigua, Guatemala, I'm probably outside playing games and exploring nature with my 3 bilingual kids.

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Short Love Poems in Spanish Are the Perfect Valentine's Day Gift (2024)


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Explore the Best Spanish Poems
  • 1 Romance Sonámbulo by Federico García Lorca.
  • 2 Comes the Dawn by Jorge Luis Borges.
  • 3 In the Light of the Moon, or Al Claro de Luna by Delmira Agustini.
  • 4 Ode to My Suit by Pablo Neruda.
  • 5 Traveler, or Caminante by Antonio Machado.

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  • Rosario Castellanos. ...
  • Pablo Neruda. ...
  • Federico García Lorca. ...
  • Octavio Paz. ...
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  • Jorge Luis Borges.
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noun. (short) poesía f. (long, narrative) poema m.

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To a boyfriend, girlfriend and/or romantic love
Life would be empty without youLa vida estaría vacía sin ti
My heart is yoursMi corazón es tuyo
You are my everythingEres mi todo
I love you with all my soulTe amo con toda mi alma
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Estoy enamorado/a de ti (roughly the same meaning as “te amo”) – I'm in love with you. Eres el amor de mi vida – You are the love of my life. Te quiero con todo mi corazón – I love you with all my heart. Estoy loco/a por ti – I'm crazy about you.

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A glance at the 10 most translated authors across all 10 languages from 2000 to 2021 shows García Márquez at number one, followed by Isabel Allende, Jorge Luis Borges, Mario Vargas Llosa, Cervantes, Carlos Ruiz Zafón, Arturo Pérez-Reverte, Luis Sepúlveda, Roberto Bolaño and Javier Marías.

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The romance (the term is Spanish, and is pronounced accordingly: Spanish pronunciation: [roˈmanθe]) is a metrical form used in Spanish poetry. It consists of an indefinite series (tirada) of verses, in which the even-numbered lines have a near-rhyme (assonance) and the odd lines are unrhymed.

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What does saludos mean in Spanish? Saying saludos is most similar to 'kind regards' or 'cheers' in English. It's common, especially in written Spanish, because it's neither too formal nor too informal. When you say it, you're actually wishing good health to a person.

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line of poetry, the ~ verso, el ~ (m) Noun.

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The romance (the term is Spanish, and is pronounced accordingly: Spanish pronunciation: [roˈmanθe]) is a metrical form used in Spanish poetry. It consists of an indefinite series (tirada) of verses, in which the even-numbered lines have a near-rhyme (assonance) and the odd lines are unrhymed.

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"How Do I Love Thee?," by Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

It begins, "How do I love thee? Let me count the ways." And well, the rest of this sonnet counts the ways, ending with, "I shall but love thee better after death." Loving beyond this life is pretty epic.

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historia de amor noun, feminine (plural: historias de amor f) love affair n. love story n.


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