Spanish Quotes about Love - 62 inspirational Quotes + Translation (2024)

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Whether you’re learning Spanish, have Spanish or Latin American roots, are dating (or want to date) a Spanish speaker, or just simply like the language, one thing always fits: Spanish quotes about love. Love and romance sound so much more passionate in Spanish, don’t you think?

The Spanish language, also known as the language of passion, is rich in expressions that capture the entire spectrum of love. Whether it’s the sweet moments of being in love or the bitter moments of heartbreak, the following Spanish love phrases and quotes can express these feelings in a powerful way.

I myself have not only lived in Spain for several years, but I am also married to a Spaniard. And since my husband Eduardo is probably the most unromantic Spaniard out there, I’ll just share these beautiful Spanish love sayings with you instead. And for better understanding, every romantic Spanish quote comes with an English translation. All set? Then let’s get started right away.

What to find out in this post

  • 2 Short Spanish Love Quotes
  • 3 Romantic Spanish Quotes by famous people
  • 4 Sad Spanish Love Phrases
  • 5 Spanish Sayings about love from Spanish love songs
    • 5.1 About the AuthorVicki

The best Spanish Quotes about love & romantic

Spanish Quotes about Love - 62 inspirational Quotes + Translation (1)

So let’s dive right into the world of Spanish sayings about romance and love: sweet sayings and words with English translation.

Si cuando amo soy feliz, entonces eres mi felicidad

  • “If when I love, I am happy, then you are my happiness.”

No te quiero para mí, te quiero conmigo. Es diferente.

  • “I don’t want you for me, I want you with me. It is different.”

Desde que nos amamos no necesito pedirles deseos a las estrellas

  • “Since we love each other, I don’t need to wish upon the stars.”

Te quería decir que me gustas, pero siendo honestos: me encantas.

  • “I wanted to tell you that I like you, but to be honest: I love you.”

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Nunca había creído que la vida pudiese ser tan bella, hasta que tú apareciste y empezaste a formar parte de ella.

  • “I had never believed that life could be so beautiful until you showed up and started to be part of it.”

Solo hay dos momentos en que quiero estar contigo: Ahora y para Siempre.

  • “There ar only two times I want to be with you: Now and forever”
Spanish Quotes about Love - 62 inspirational Quotes + Translation (2)

En tu sonrisa, veo algo más hermoso que las estrellas.

  • “In your smile, I see something more beautiful than the stars.”

Si con un beso pudiera demostrar mi amor te estaría besando siempre.

  • “If with a kiss I could show my love, I would be kissing you always.”

A ti te veo en todos mis planes, incluso en los que pensé que no invitaría a nadie.

– Andrés Ixtepan
  • “I see you in all my plans, even the ones I thought I wouldn’t invite anyone to.”

En la escala del amor, tú eres el infinito.

  • “On the scale of love, you are infinity.”

Amar no es nada, ser amado es algo. Amar y ser amado lo es todo.

– Bill Russell
  • “To love is nothing, to be loved is something. To love and to be loved is everything.”

Solo quería recordarte que estoy pensando en ti.

  • “I just wanted to remind you that I’m thinking of you.”

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Si no tardas mucho, te espero toda la vida.

  • “If you don’t take too long, I’ll wait for you all my life.”

Desde que estamos juntos no creo que haya nada imposible.

  • “Since we have been together I don’t think anything is impossible.”

Si tuviera que volver a comenzar mi vida, intentaría encontrarte mucho antes.

– Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
  • “If I had to start my life over, I would try to find you much sooner.”

Y cuando me besa, sostiene mi cara con ambas manos como si fuese la luna.

– Ron Israel
  • “And when he kisses me, he holds my face with both hands as if it were the moon.”

El corazón que ama siempre será joven.

  • “The heart that loves will always be young.”

El amor es la poesía de los sentidos.

– Honoré de Balzac
  • “Love is the poetry of the senses.”

¿Sabes cuánto mide el universo? Entonces no sabes cuánto me gustas.

  • “Do you know how big the universe is? Then you don’t know how much I like you.”

No es quien te saca a bailar, sino quien se sienta a esperarte.

  • “It is not the one who asks you to dance, but the one who sits down to wait for you.”

Short Spanish Love Quotes

Spanish Quotes about Love - 62 inspirational Quotes + Translation (3)

Sometimes it doesn’t take many words at all. Some things are simply better said in a small number of words. Whether as Whatsapp status, a short message to a special person, or maybe even as a Spanish tattoo. In the following part, you will find a few short Spanish love sayings – of course, as always, with English translation.

El amor no necesita ser perfecto – sino verdadero.

  • “Love does not need to be perfect – but true.”

Si no hay amor, que no haya nada.

  • “If there is no love, let there be nothing.”

Los latidos dicen lo que callan las palabras.

  • “The heartbeats say what the words are not saying.”

Somos dos versos que riman sin rima.

  • “We are two rhyming verses without rhyme.”

Quiero hacer contigo lo que la primavera hace con los cerezos

  • “I want to do with you what spring does with the cherry trees.”

Amor sin temor

  • “Love without fear”

Mi lugar favorito es estar entre tus brazos.

  • “My favorite place to be is in your arms.”

Tú haces que quiera ser mejor persona.

– James L. Brooks
  • “You make me want to be a better person.”

Me enamoro mil veces al día, y todas son de ti.

  • “I fall in love a thousand times a day, and all of them are with you.”

Para siempre en mi corazón

  • “Forever in my heart.”

Eres mi todo, mi más, mi siempre.

– Danns Vega
  • “You are my everything, my more, my always.”
Spanish Quotes about Love - 62 inspirational Quotes + Translation (4)

Me gustaría tener 10 vidas para poder amarte 10 veces.

  • “I wish I had 10 lives so I could love you 10 times.”

Tú eres la estrella de mi universo.

  • “You are the star of my universe.”

Cada vez que se cruzan nuestras miradas toco el cielo.

  • “Every time our eyes meet I touch the sky.”

Nunca terminaré de enamorarme de ti.

– Nicole Williams
  • “I will never stop falling in love with you.”

Mi felicidad tiene tu nombre.

  • “My happiness has your name.”

Eres la casualidad más bonita que llegó a mi vida.

  • “You are the most beautiful coincidence that came into my life.”

Hay partes de mí que solo existen cuando estoy contigo.

– Ron Israel
  • “There are parts of me that only exist when I am with you.”

Eres un sueño del cual no quiero despertar.

  • “You are a dream I don’t want to wake up from.”

Eres mi pensamiento favorito.

  • “You are my favorite thought.”

Lo mejor de mi vida es estar en la tuya.

  • “The best thing in my life is to be in yours.”

Vamos a crear la historia de amor más bonita del mundo.

  • “Let’s create the most beautiful love story in the world.”

Si te vieras con mis ojos…entenderías.

– Frida Kahlo
  • “If you saw yourself through my eyes…you would understand.”

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Romantic Spanish Quotes by famous people

Spanish Quotes about Love - 62 inspirational Quotes + Translation (5)

They say that Spanish is the language of love and passion. So it’s hardly surprising that some of the famous Spanish-speaking poets and thinkers out there have composed some very inspiring words.

While some of the following quotes may not have been said outright in Spanish, they just simply sound better in Spanish.

Para quien ama, nada es imposible.

— Santa Teresa de Jesús
  • “For those who love, nothing is impossible.”

El amor se demuestra con actos.

– Vicente Blasco Ibáñez
  • “Love is demonstrated by actions.”

Andábamos sin buscarnos, pero sabiendo que andábamos para encontrarnos.

– Julio Cortázar
  • “We walked without looking for each other, but knowing that we were walking to find each other.”

La medida del amor es amar sin medida.

– San Augustín
  • “The measure of love is to love without measure.”

¿Cómo entra la luz en una persona? si la puerta del amor está abierta.

– Paulo Coelho
  • “How does light enter a person? If the door of love is open.”

Amar es encontrar la única persona que completa tu corazón.

– Julia Quinn
  • “To love is to find the one person who completes your heart.”

Qué cosa más bonita es verte, mientras me ves, viéndote a ti.

– José Urbano
  • “What a beautiful thing it is to see you, while you see me, seeing you.”

Amar no es solamente querer, es sobre todo comprender.

– Françoise Sagan
  • “To love is not only to want, it is above all to understand.”

Elartey el amor lo son todo en nuestra vida.

– Juan Ramón Jiménez
  • “Art and love are everything in our lives.”

Si yo pudiera darte una cosa en la vida, me gustaría darte la capacidad de verte a ti mismo a través de mis ojos. Sólo entonces te darás cuenta de lo especial que eres para mí.

– Frida Kahlo
  • “If I could give you one thing in life, I would like to give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes. Only then will you realize how special you are to me.”

Donde hay amor hay vida

– Mahatma Gandhi
  • “Where there is love, there is life.”
Spanish Quotes about Love - 62 inspirational Quotes + Translation (6)

En un beso, sabrás todo lo que he callado.

– Pablo Neruda
  • “In a kiss, you’ll know everything I’ve kept silent.”

Solo hay un remedio para el amor: amar más.

– Henry David Thoreau
  • “There is only one remedy for love: love more.”

El amor es la mayor frescura en la vida.

– Pablo Picasso
  • “Love is the greatest freshness in life.”

El amor es invisible y entra y sale por donde quiere sin que nadie le pida cuenta de sus hechos.

– Miguel de Cervantes
  • “Love is invisible and comes and goes as it pleases without anyone asking it to account for its actions.”

Y entonces lo entendí: Mirarte era como soplar las velas teniendo el deseo enfrente.

– Oscar Campuzano
  • “And then I understood: Looking at you was like blowing out the candles with the desire in front of me.”

Te miraré cada día como se mira el mar por primera vez.

– Nerea Delgado
  • “I will look at you every day as one looks at the sea for the first time.”

Sad Spanish Love Phrases

Spanish Quotes about Love - 62 inspirational Quotes + Translation (7)

Love can be so beautiful – but sometimes it can hurt. The Spanish language also offers a few beautiful words for your heartache, which will help you through the difficult time.

Cuando dos personas deciden separarse, no es señal de que no se entienden entre sí, sino que es señal de que por fin comenzaron a entenderse.

– Helen Rowland
  • “When two people decide to get a divorce, it isn’t a sign that they don’t understand’ one another, but a sign that they have, at last, begun to.”

Te fuiste y se me amontonan las preguntas para las que solo tú tienes respuesta.

  • “You left, and I’m piling up questions that only you have the answers to.”

Nada hace una habitación más vacía que querer que alguien se encuentre en ella.

  • “Nothing makes a room emptier than wanting someone to be in it.”

Hasta la mejor persona se cansa de mover montañas por quien no mueve por ella, ni una piedra.

  • “Even the best person gets tired of moving mountains for someone who does not move a stone for them.”

El más difícil no es el primer beso, sino el último.

– Paul Géraldy
  • “The most difficult is not the first kiss, but the last one.”
Spanish Quotes about Love - 62 inspirational Quotes + Translation (8)

Hay amores que solo pueden existir en tu corazón, no en tu vida.

  • “There are loves that can only exist in your heart, not in your life.”

En ocasiones, la vida separa a las personas para que se den cuenta de lo que significan la una para la otra.

– Paulo Coelho
  • “Sometimes, life separates people so that they realize what they mean to each other.”

No digas, demuestra; no prometas, cumple.

  • “Don’t say, show; don’t promise, deliver.”

Nunca hagas de alguien una prioridad, cuando todo lo que eres para él es una opción.

  • “Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option.”

Me estoy acostumbrando a olvidarte, no interrumpas.

  • “I’m getting used to forgetting you, don’t interrupt.”

Spanish Sayings about love from Spanish love songs

Spanish Quotes about Love - 62 inspirational Quotes + Translation (9)

Sometimes it is best said with music. Spanish love songs, after all, are famous all over the world for their expressive romanticism. So let’s take a look at some of the most beautiful Spanish love song quotes.

Quisiera ser el aire que escapa de tu risa

– Quisiera ser – Alejandro Sánz
  • I’d like to be the air that escapes from your laughter.”

Amor no es literatura si no se puede escribir en la piel.

– Joan Manuel Serrat
  • “Love is not literature if it cannot be written on the skin.”

Cada vez que me levanto
Y veo que a mi lado estás
Me siento renovado
Y me siento aniquilado
Aniquilado si no estás
Tú controlas toda mi verdad
Y todo lo que está de más
Tus ojos me llevan lentamente al sol
Y tu boca me habla del amor y el corazón
Tu piel tiene el color
De un rojo atardecer
Y es por ti
Que late mi corazón…

– Juanes – Es port ti

“Every time I wake up
And see you by my side
I feel renewed
And I feel annihilated
Annihilated if you’re not there
You control all my truth
And all that is extra
Your eyes lead me slowly to the sun
And your mouth speaks to me of love and the heart
Your skin has the color
Of a red sunset
And it’s because of you
That my heart beats…”

Me encanta verte, tenerte, abrazarte
Cuando estoy a un lado de ti
Todo lo bueno de mí florece, eres tú
Ese imán de una preciosa energía

– Eres Tú – Carla Morrison

“I love to see you, to hold you, to embrace you
When I’m next to you
Everything good in me blossoms, it’s you
That magnet of precious energy”

Me enamoré de ti
Y qué importa si me salgo
Me divierto si te pienso
Y te pienso sin pensarlo

– Sígueme – Manuel Carrasco

“I fell in love with you
And what does it matter if I get out
I have fun if I think of you
And I think of you without thinking”

El color de tus ojos se robó mi atención
Te vas metiendo dentro de mi corazón
Perfecta en cualquier sentido
Con pantalón o vestido, robas mi respiración

– El Color de tus Ojos – Banda MS

“The color of your eyes stole my attention
You’re moving into my heart
Perfect in every way
With pants or dress, you steal my breath away”

Y es que por tu amor volví a nacer
Tú fuiste la respiración
Y era tan grande la ilusión

– Volví a nacer – Carlos Vives

“And it is because of your love that I was born again.
You were the breath
And the desire was so great”

Spanish Quotes about Love - 62 inspirational Quotes + Translation (10)

Te amo
Desde el primer momento en que te vi
Y hace tiempo te buscaba
Y ya te imaginaba así
Te amo
Aunque no es tan fácil de decir
Y defino lo que siento
Con estas palabras
Te amo

– Franco de Vita – Te Amo

“I love you
From the first moment I saw you
And I’ve been looking for you for a long time
And I imagined you like this
I love you
Although it’s not so easy to say
And I define what I feel
With these words
I love you”

En secreto y en silencio, te amaré
Arriesgando en lo prohibido, te amaré
En lo falso y en lo cierto
Con el corazón abierto
Por ser algo no perfecto, te amaré

– Te amaré – Miguel Bosé

“In secret and in silence, I will love you
Risking in the forbidden, I will love you
In the false and in the true
With an open heart
For being something not perfect, I will love you”

Spanish Quotes about Love - 62 inspirational Quotes + Translation (11)
Spanish Quotes about Love - 62 inspirational Quotes + Translation (12)
Spanish Quotes about Love - 62 inspirational Quotes + Translation (13)
Spanish Quotes about Love - 62 inspirational Quotes + Translation (14)

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About the AuthorVicki

Hi, we are Vicki & Eduardo, an international travel couple on a mission to help you save money for priceless travel experience. Follow us through the miracles of this world and you will be rewarded with a bunch of practical travel tips.

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Spanish Quotes about Love - 62 inspirational Quotes + Translation (2024)


What is a famous love quote in Spanish? ›

Love quotes in Spanish
You don't see love, you feel it.El amor no se mira, se siente.
Love however you can, love whoever you can, love anything you can.Ama como puedas, ama a quien puedas, ama todo lo que puedas.
I love you more than my own skin.Te amo más que a mi propia piel.
3 more rows
Mar 10, 2022

What words in Spanish have a deep meaning about love? ›

Mi amor ​– my love Page 3 Mi corazón​– my heart/sweetheart (similar to “my love” in English) Cariño/a​– darling/sweetheart/honey Querido/a ​– dear Mi vida​– my life. A nice expression for showing your loved one how much they mean. Precioso/a​– precious Mi rey/reina​– my king/queen Mami/papi ​– mommy/daddy.

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Estoy enamorado/a de ti (roughly the same meaning as “te amo”) – I'm in love with you. Eres el amor de mi vida – You are the love of my life. Te quiero con todo mi corazón – I love you with all my heart. Estoy loco/a por ti – I'm crazy about you.

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"Two souls with but a single thought, two hearts that beat as one." "In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities." "Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage." "Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies."

What is a Spanish self love quote? ›

Self love quotes in Spanish: “Atrévete a amarte a ti mismo como si fueses un arcoíris con oro en ambos extremos.” -Aberjhani. “Dare yourself to love yourself as if you were a rainbow with gold on both ends.”

What is a powerful word for love? ›

adore. cherish. worship. fall for. carry the torch (for)

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Here's a list of beautiful words that convey different types of love and measures of love.
  • 1 Blossom (verb)
  • 2 Besotted (adjective)
  • 3 Canoodle (verb)
  • 4 Charity (noun)
  • 5 Chemistry (noun)
  • 6 Cherish (verb)
  • 7 Embrace (verb)
  • 8 Endearing (adjective)
Feb 13, 2023

What words are stronger than love? ›

Here is a list of 8 phrases that express something more powerful than love.
  • "I need you." ...
  • "I'll sacrifice for you." ...
  • "I like you." ...
  • "I forgive you." ...
  • "Let me help you." ...
  • "I am committed to you." ...
  • "I think about you all the time." ...
  • "I'd pick you all over again."
Apr 16, 2016

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12 Words and Phrases for Romantic Relationships
  • Goo-goo Eyes. Goo-goo is seemingly one of a metric ton of synonyms for loving and affectionate in English. ...
  • Apple of One's Eye. ...
  • Puppy Love (and Calf-love) ...
  • Head Over Heels. ...
  • Heartthrob/Sweetheart. ...
  • Bae. ...
  • Ship. ...
  • Canoodle.

What are the two types of love in Spanish? ›

Te amo is a deeper, more intense declaration of love than te quiero, but it's not reserved only for romantic relationships. When referring to a person, both amar and querer are Spanish verbs that mean “to love.” Still, there are certain nuances to using amar and querer with different people and in different situations.

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1. Al mal tiempo, buena cara. This phrase is one of the most popular Spanish sayings. It reminds us that even if we have problems and things go wrong, everything will work out better with a positive attitude.

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Best Spanish quotes about life that will improve your mood
  • “Nunca es demasiado tarde para una segunda oportunidad en la vida.”
  • “Hoy es el primer día del resto de la vida.”
  • “La vida es una aventura que tenemos el privilegio de disfrutar.”
  • “La vida es bella.”
Jun 1, 2024

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I hope they resonate with you as much as they did with me.
  • “For love, we will climb mountains, cross seas, traverse desert sands, and endure untold hardships.”
  • “We speak and understand best our native language. ...
  • “What we do for each other before marriage is no indication of what we will do after marriage.”
Nov 14, 2020

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21 Romantic Phrases in English to Impress Your Date This Valentine's Day
  • You sweep me off my feet.
  • I'm crazy about you.
  • I'm falling for you.
  • You're the light of my life.
  • You're my everything.
  • You mean the world to me.
  • I love you to the moon and back.
  • You're the apple of my eye.
Feb 13, 2024


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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.